2021 DPSS Annual Report vF4 (3)
Annual Report 2020/2021
Administrative Services
Compliance, Quality, Systems & Training Branch
■ Managed more than 600 contracts with an approximate amount of $62 million ■ Provided travel support to 192 Asylum Seekers and helped them reunite with their families and sponsors across the country ■ Ordered $1.9 million worth of equipment for new hires and refreshed old equipment ■ Developed various dashboards that highlight Administrative Management & Support Branch
Administrative Hearings ■ 4,307 claimants served
■ 44% of total Administrative Hearings resolved without going to a hearing (a significant savings of state and county costs) Income and Employment Verification Services ■ 2,293 CalWORKs and CalFresh cases processed for benefit recovery ■ $3,405,475 of overpayments and over- issuances established Promotion of C4Yourself Mobile Application ■ Added 58,960 mobile app users in 2020, increasing usage by 86% (allowing more customers to safely access case information remotely, improving customer service and reducing lobby traffic during the pandemic) ■ Riverside County now has the highest rate of applicants with C4Yourself accounts statewide, overtaking San Bernardino in November 2020 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Fittings
and visualize DPSS accomplishments, program status, client services, human resources, and more
Media & Government Relations
■ Adult Services: 137 ■ IHSS Caregivers: 41 ■ Children’s Services: 785 ■ Admin: 30
■ Expanded and continue to expand communications through a new English and Spanish podcast “theServiceStation” ■ Other efforts to engage diverse communities through mainstream and new technologies
Department Operations Center
Vaccination Assistance ■ Approximately 250 DPSS staff volunteered to assist in vaccination efforts by helping at sites, helping individuals schedule an appointment, and performing other administrative support functions
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11/16/21 2:12 PM
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