2021 DPSS Annual Report vF4 (3)
Annual Report 2020/2021
Children’s Services
Alex (at center), here with his family, said QPI gave him support to successfully reunify with his children. He shares that he felt he could rely on his social worker and parent partner to guide him along the way. “It really helps to get everyone involved in the very beginning,” said Alex. “It’s about bringing people together.” Building Quality Partnerships and A Shared Vision Through the Quality Parenting Initiative
Children’s Services is a committed stakeholder in the Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI). The nationwide network of states, counties and private agencies is committed to practices that advance child welfare reform and to ensuring all children in care have excellent parenting and lasting relations so they can thrive and grow. QPI emphasizes five principles: excellent parenting; research-based parenting; community-level leadership; community decision-making; and participant input in system change. Whenever possible, all parties involved strive and work together to achieve family reunification. When reunification is not possible, their focus shifts to finding a stable and healthy placement. “Our job as foster parents is to bring restoration and healing,” said resource parent, Salina. “We have the opportunity to nurture the whole family, to share our love and allow them to successfully complete their case plan.”
QPI in Riverside County celebrated several milestones in fiscal year 2020-2021: ■ Developed a mandatory training program for all staff in Children’s Services. ■ Developed a parent outreach partnership agreement. ■ Launched a text-based application to conduct monthly surveys of resource families. Data results inform planning and practices. Among 339 respondents in one survey, more than 70% said they have a voice in planning. ■ Initiated the pilot program for comfort calls to connect resource and biological families. “It is about all voices being heard and creating a positive alliance to provide the best outcome for a child or youth in care,” said resource parent Nicole Holt, who serves as a QPI consultant for Riverside County. “Each of us has our own dynamic piece in the process and together we can find long-term solutions.”
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