2021 DPSS Annual Report vF4 (3)

Annual Report 2020/2021

Self- Sufficiency

Wrap-Around Services Support Work and Housing in Pandemic Recovery

As households and businesses recover from the pandemic’s economic fallout, the county’s Welfare to Work programs are ramping up to connect employers to customers who are forging pathways to economic independence. Workforce Connection offers CalWORKs customers free job training and career counseling. Parents entering training and workforce programs are offered support with childcare services.

Workforce Connection Highlights

■ The Expanded Subsidized Employment (ESE) program matched 388 CalWORKs customers with 80 participating employers, and dozens of businesses with hiring needs joined the program in the first half of 2021. ■ The subsidized employment program entered a new partnership with CVS Pharmacy to offer paid internships and opportunities to CalWORKs customers who complete training. Nearly 80 “students” enrolled to become pharmacy technicians through Riverside County Office of Education. ■ The Housing Support Program offers services to CalWORKs families experiencing homeless or who are at risk. The program: ■ Placed 155 families in affordable permanent housing. ■ Provided financial incentives to about 150 participating landlords. ■ Strike team helped 220 CalWORKs customers find positions with the County of Riverside. ■ Workforce Connection launched a new toll-free number (1-833-391-0504) to link jobseekers, resources, and employers.

■ The 2020 Valley-wide Employment Expo connected 2,200 job opportunities from 50 employers in the greater Coachella Valley to 330 job seekers. ■ A $500 incentive bonus was initiated to attract more candidates. After 90 days on the job, the bonus is awarded as part of recruitment and retention. The bonus program has been extended to the new year. ■ A financial incentive up to 100% of an employee’s gross hourly wages for up to 6 months for participating employers. ■ A $1,000 incentive was extended to landlords of Housing Support customers. ■ Staff assisted 800 households in the Welfare-to- Work program with child-care services. ■ Assisted other programs including application processing for CalFresh and working Public Health vaccination hotlines. ■ A $500 incentive was extended through the 2021-2022 fiscal year to customers who reach 90 days on ESE activity beyond 90 days or obtain unsubsidized employment after placement to support employee retention.

Allison Gonzalez Assistant Director of Self-Sufficiency

Our services and programs are lifelines to thousands of children, families and seniors. These services will continue to be vital as we strengthen the resiliency and independence of individuals and improve the health and economic security of all communities.


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