2021 DPSS Annual Report vF4 (3)

Annual Report 2020/2021

Adult Services

Todd Bellanca Assistant Director of Adult Services

Adult Services is forging dynamic public and private partnerships, locally and statewide, to meet the health and housing needs of our aging population. We are taking an active role in the implementation of California’s Master Plan on Aging to realize a statewide roadmap that promotes the well-being of seniors and protects them from isolation,

abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Today, we are readying caregivers and communities for the challenges and rewards of caring for their aging loved ones and neighbors at home. In Riverside County, we are creating environments where people of all ages can thrive!

Online Webinars Urge Elder Abuse Prevention During Pandemic

The pandemic required Riverside County to move its annual Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Symposium online, as advocates and officials collaborated to keep seniors safe. Adult Protective Services hosted four webinars in June and July. Agencies that serve the elder population and investigate cases of elder abuse and neglect attended the webinars. Webinars included an informative discussion on dementia, the role of the Public Administrator’s office in investigating cases of elder abuse, an overview from the coroner’s office on issues unique to the population, and how to recognize Diogenes Syndrome, a behavioral- health condition characterized by poor personal hygiene,

hoarding, and unkempt living conditions.

The webinars successfully communicated critical information to a large audience, comparable to the annual in-person events. Webinar results:

■ 514 attendees over four webinars. ■ The online format allowed for attendees from multiple states including Nevada, Utah, Hawaii, Kentucky, Ohio and Virginia. ■ Survey respondents largely attended for professional development and 97% reported that the webinars met their goal.


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