CQI Newsletter July 2024
July 2024
Newsletter real process improvement projects to achieve financial and operational results. LSS Training Updates OSPM Administrative Officer, Rosa Guzman, led the charge on launching what is considered a kick-off start to a series of Lean trainings, by hosting the first Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Champion Sponsor Class, for which supervisors and above and any Coalition members are encouraged to register. Upcoming Lean courses are designed to improve a social services organization’s performance from the perspective of its customers, its leaders, and its employees. It will include Lean Six Sigma methodologies, the variability's nature, and how it adversely affects an enterprise’s processes, services, and relationships. It describes the roles and responsibilities of a Champion, Sponsor, Team Leader, and Team Member. Project prioritization, selection, chartering, execution, and benefit delivery are described in detail. Discussion will include how to develop project charters and excellence plans which serve as the starting point for sponsorship of
Departmentwide Training Kick-off The Office of Strategy and Project Management (OSPM) hosted the first kick-off training of our multi-division Champions and Sponsors Lean Six Sigma training (supervisors+) and presented by the DPSS CQI contractor, Adrian Technology Inc. (ATI). All divisions were represented. The training was tailored for DPSS, was relatable, and folks provided great feedback, engagement was great. Towards the end, additional feedback was collected to further tailor the training for DPSS .
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