CQI Newsletter July 2024
July 2024
DPSS LSS Training Plan
OSPM is leading the charge in the development and implementation of the DPSS Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Training Plan. Admin Svcs Officer, Rosa Guzman, has been at the forefront of the development and implementation of the plan by developing a timeline and coordinating class offerings. DPSS has launched the series with the LSS Champions and Sponsors Class (supervisors+) and the LSS Overview Class (non-supervisors). With the implementation of the DPSS Training Plan, we aim to:
Departmentwide Training Kick-off Through our contracted vendor, OSPM hosted the pilot training class of our multi-division Lean Six Sigma Champions and Sponsors (supervisors+) Training Class . All divisions were represented in the class by their Divisional CQI Leads and several of their Divisional Coalition Members (pictured below). The training was tailored for DPSS, was relatable, and folks provided great feedback, as their engagement was great. Toward the end, OSPM gathered feedback and used it to further enhance future Lean course offerings . Upcoming classes that are currently in development include LSS Belt Certifications; specifically, LSS White Belt Classes will launch July 2024 and Green Belt Classes will launch in Q2 2024. • Innovate services provided through a continuous quality improvement effort. • Standardize processes within and shared across the department • Develop short-term and long-term strategies to improve organizational goals that impact the 4800-employee workforce. • Lead improvement initiatives that add value to our service delivery, and • Ensure resources are allocated appropriately to provide better engagement with our clients and staff
Click below to register for Lean Six Sigma Training LSS champions and sponsors or lss overview
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