DEC20JAN21 DPSS Newsletter

Feeling Under the Weather? Play it Safe. Stay Home.

Staying home is a challenge when there are places to go and people to see. But, laying low is perhaps the single most important step any of us can take to help protect coworkers, customers and communities from a contagious illness: especially as COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to climb. “Cold and flu season are here. The coronavirus has been with us almost a year, now. We hope everyone will practice self-care,” said Marianna Sarmiento, assistant director of Administrative Services Division. “If you aren’t feeling well, stay home.”

DEC20 | JAN21

Employees should notify their manager when they are sick or believe they have been exposed to COVID-19. Employees and visitors who answer ‘yes’ to any one of the questions listed below should not entire a DPSS location: • Do you have a cough? • Do you have a fever or had a fever within the last 24 hours? • Do you have shortness of breath? • Have you taken any medication that might mask symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illness? • Have you had contact with anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms within the last 14 days? Or symptoms of the flu or any respiratory illness within last 72 hours? • Do you have anyone in your home that is ill or presenting symptoms of COVID-19 or any respiratory illness? Sarmiento said employees who’ve been exposed to COVID-19 or who are experiencing symptoms should contact their healthcare provider and remain at home until they have been cleared.

How to make winter holiday celebrations safer: • Wear a mask indoors and outdoors • Stay at least six feet from others who do not live with you • Avoid crowded, poorly ventilated indoor spaces • Wash your hands • Get a flu shot Source:

Employees with a household member who is infected should notify their supervisor and follow safety precautions. “Anyone who believes they’ve been exposed to COVID-19 should call their healthcare provider, get tested, and not return to work until they are cleared to do so,” Sarmiento said, reminding staff that it is mandatory to wear face coverings at all times in all DPSS locations. Employees are also asked not to carpool with other county employees at this time. For more workplace questions regarding what to do in case of illness, please contact your immediate supervisor.


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