

Law Enforcement Summit Brings Social Service and Justice Partners Together

T he Adult Services Division’s Elder Abuse Forensic Center (EAFC) along with multiple agencies held the Law Enforcement Summit in Riverside on October 5, 2023. The event focused on enhancing collaboration among investigative agencies while providing training, resources, and updates that impact elder and dependent adult abuse investigations. Attendees included professionals from the following fields: law enforcement, District Attorney’s Office, state investigators, Department of Justice, Community Care Licensing and social services.

Intensive Stabilization Unit (ISU) Ensures Safety of Cognitively Impaired Clients

A PS social workers often encounter clients with significant cognitive impairment which impacts their ability to ensure their own safety and make sound decisions. If the client does not have a quality and trusted support system, they may be referred to the Public Guardian for conservatorship. This provides them with a legal representative to ensure the safety of their person and assets. The Intensive Stabilization Unit (ISU) submits referrals to the public guardian, provides case management services to clients pending conservatorship, attends probate court hearings to represent the client’s needs, partners with the Public Guardian’s office throughout the process, and educates APS staff regarding the conservatorship process. ISU

Referrals submitted for conservatorship in FY 23/24 58

submits conservatorship referrals to the Public Guardian and provides vital support to additional cases that can be stabilized without conservatorship. Monthly multidisciplinary team meetings between Adult Protective Services and Public Guardian ensure all stakeholders are informed about case progress and changes in the status of conservatorship referrals. Regular communication enhances effective support for clients and streamlines processes.

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