
IHSS Social Worker of the Year Iman Taylor Finds Adventure and Opportunity in Each Day 34 | RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES

E ach day serving clients and colleagues represents an adventure and new opportunity for Iman Taylor, Social Worker of the Year for the In-Home Supportive Services program. “Every day is an opportunity to put our best self forward, whether to support our peers, our clients, or our families,” says Taylor, a Social Services Practitioner III who started in in the field at age 19 and now, 24 years later, brings her professional compassion to IHSS clients. “I strive to apply my values, my strengths and skills toward my community and take pride in breakthrough victories.” Her colleagues and supervisors in the Lake Elsinore region say Taylor consistently exhibits leadership, is always searching for new efficiencies, and always prepared to assist her colleagues and help new social services practitioners navigate the challenges of a profession that Taylor says can be “demanding, daunting and draining. However, it can be equally rewarding and fulfilling.” For the most part, Taylor says she enjoys working behind the scenes, problem solving and helping wherever she can. Having her peers recognize her contributions is something she calls an “incredibly humbling experience.” Taylor says caring for senior and dependent adults and making sure they receive support to live safely at home is “a constant reminder to keep our humility and find joy in the simple things.”

Iman Taylor, IHSS Social Worker of the Year

Every day is an opportunity to put our best self forward, whether to support our peers, our clients, or our families.

In-Home Supportive Services Social Workers of the Year by Region

Elizabeth Hernandez...............................................Region 1 Thania Valdez-Yakuta........................................Region 2 Iman Taylor....................................................................Region 3 Cristal Arroyo Martinez.......................................Region 4 Alicia Martinez.............................................................Region 5

Jim Thor.............................................................................Region 6 Maria Mendiola...........................................................Region 7 Rosina Morris..............................Central Intake Center Jade Coronado.......................................Public Authority

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