Self-Sufficiency Division
Assistant Director’s Message Allison Gonzalez
T he 100th Anniversary Annual Report offers a glimpse of the tremendous support Riverside County’s self-sufficiency, education and job training programs provide to our residents, communities and local businesses. I am both amazed and humbled to think we’ve been doing this work as a department for 100 years. Stabilizing families and individuals who are experiencing economic challenges, who need food, healthcare, job training and housing is as important today as it was a century ago and will be tomorrow. I am proud of the many ways our Self-Sufficiency Division has grown and innovated over the years to address the needs of thousands of customers who come through our doors each day. Initiatives such as Linkages show us what is possible when we join our internal resources and teams together to stabilize families in crisis. The Home Visiting Program between CalWORKs and First Five Riverside County demonstrates what we can achieve together through the power of like-minded community partners. While we will always remain focused on excellence and quality customer service in our day-to-day business, we are also looking ahead with our public and private partners to create accessible services that promote individual well-being, and opportunities for healthier communities in Riverside County. None of this would be possible without the 2200-member workforce in the Self-Sufficiency Division. They are the heartbeat of our success and the outstanding customer service that defines our mission of supporting the health, safety, independence and well-being of individuals and families in Riverside County. Happy 100th Birthday to the Department of Public Social Services and thank you to all of you who contribute to the success of Riverside County and its residents.
Allison Gonzalez
I am both amazed and humbled to think we’ve been doing this work as a department for 100 years.
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