A New Year Promises New Opportunities
Dear DPSS Team:
February is a time when many of us celebrate love and the many ways love improves and empowers our own lives and the lives of others. Many who enter the social services profession do so because of love – love for our communities and improving the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children and adults; love for the opportunity to make a positive difference. Thank you for the heart you bring each day to your work.
The year ahead offers continuing opportunities to emerge stronger and more resilient than ever. The governor’s January budget proposal includes ongoing support for programs such as CalWORKs, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal. However, county leaders are asking DPSS to join other departments in spending reductions. We will continue to recruit and retain staff in critical areas while focusing on improving efficiencies and reducing waste. Your help in this effort is greatly appreciated as small savings in many areas can quickly add up to large savings in a department our size. The governor’s 21/22 budget proposal includes significant support for the COVID-19 response with funding to hastendeliveryof COVID-19vaccinations inall Californiacounties. Hundredsof youareassisting in thevaccination clinics and call centers. Thank you. State and federal administrations are signaling their recognition of the disproportionate impacts this virus has had on Californians who were already struggling. Both administrations are pledging expanded support for housing, health and human services, business, and workforce development. Your patience and flexibility during this challenging time of growth and opportunities as we work together with our many partners to rebuild and strengthen our communities. And, thank you once again for the heart and commitment to excellence you bring to our team and to those we serve.
Sayori Baldwin Director
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