The Telecommuter Corner with Lori In the new year, resolve to count your assets!
Still pondering your resolutions for the new year: self-promises that started petering out before you consumed all the red-wrapped holiday candy? Clear your conscience, colleagues! Whether you’re working at-home or in-office, resolve to take stock of your assets! (No calorie counting required).
DPSS has more than about 30,000 assets–laptops, tablets, desktops, monitors, cameras, thumb drives, and more that must be inventoried at the start of each year. It’s a BIG job. With many of us working from home, we’ve made the annual count easier than ever. Telecommuters can access the At-Home Inventory application on the Sharepoint site or ctrl-click http://irginventory.riversidedpss.net/. If you submitted your inventory application after 11/10/20 lucky you; consider your equipment counted until next year! There’s a reason behind our mad dash to count and catalogue all this stuff. Knowing who’s got our equipment and how it’s working allows our department to make strategic investments into technologies that will best serve our customers and employees now and in the future. Your cooperation and flexibility are appreciated as we meet the challenges of this new telecommute environment with all our assets in hand. Please feel free to send your questions to AssetInventory@rivco.org
Happy new year. Make every asset you have count!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I request asset transfers to another workstation? A: Visit https://rivcoitprod.service-now.com
Lori Perry is a senior administrative analyst with Technology Support Services, regularly working in conjunction with the Independent Review Group-Assets Monitoring Services team. Look for her regular updates here in the TELECOMMUTER CONNECTION! Q: How do I complete an asset swap when equipment from one employee is provided to a new staff member without first submitting an Asset Transfer Form? A: Please visit https://rivcounty.sharepoint.com/sites/dpssDocs/pf/Documents/ DPSS3083.pdf and request an asset transfer before you end up on next year’s naughty list! Q: Where may I find the latest information on asset transfer and management? A: Visit RivcoHelp at: https://rivcoitprod.service-now.com/sp
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