DPSS News - August 2020



P roject management, creat i v i t y and a can-do attitude were key ingredients to the successful launch of Great Plates Delivered, a r e s t a u r a n t - me a l delivery program to help low-income seniors stay nourished during the coronavirus pandemic. The statewide program began in April. It also aims to support local restaurants and their e m p l o y e e s a s

S pecial Investigations (SIU) welcomed three newly Sworn Investigators into the unit. Earlier this month, Investigators Michael Caballero, Scott Degruyter and David Hernandez graduated from Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Academy Class 210. The 26-week, physically intensive basic law enforcement academy teaches recruits one of the most valuable lessons in law enforcement, said SIU Chief Shawn Ferris: “Whatever happens, keep moving forward and don’t quit.” Caballero served as an Eligibility Technician and Investigative Technician with DPSS prior to attending the academy. He will be assigned to work out to the La Sierra Office. Hernandez spent his career as a Probation Officer with Riverside County before the academy. He will be assigned as a Welfare Fraud Investigator to the Hemet District Office. Degruyter came to DPSS after serving 14 years as an investigative technician in the District Attorney’s office. “I never realized how much I learned from working for the DA’s office until I started the Academy,” said Degruyter, who will be assigned to the Redlands ave District Office in Perris. “I can honestly say working there made me a better person and better recruit. I am confident it will play a large role in my new duty as an investigator. For that, I am grateful.” SIU Chief Ferris said the program’s 25 sworn investigator provide public safety, fraud investigations and support to Children’s Services across the 7,300 square mile county. “Our work is in the background to support the delivery of quality services to our communities,” Ferris said. “It’s gratifying to be part of an organization that serves vulnerable people and reducing program fraud allows us to provide vital services to those who are truly in need.” Left to right: David Hernandez, Michael Caballero, Scott DeGruyter, Chief Shawn Ferris, Assist. Chief Angelique Campbell, and DPSS Director Sayori Baldwin

pandemic-related job losses climb. From Thai food to Southwest cuisine, the Great Plates program has served nearly 600,000 no-cost meals to Riverside County seniors so far. The DPSS Internal Services team worked behind the scenes in its early phases to market Great Plates and secure more than 50 contracts with eateries countywide, said Marianna Sarmiento, program director for the Administrative Services branch of DPSS. “I am proud of the flexibility, focus and commitment our Internal Services team gave to Great Plates. This program is a lifeline to hundreds of vulnerable seniors whose food security has been interrupted by this unprecedented event,” Sarmiento said. She credits the program’s success to the leadership of Office on Aging and DPSS Adults Services. Internal Services’ helped get Great Plates up and running in under eight weeks. The team clocked more than 575 hours and processed about 100 applications, while maintaining contract caseloads, renewals, and managing the year-end crunch, team members recalled. Richard Sandoval, an administrative services officer, rapidly developed a SharePoint site that supported efficient collaboration with multiple agencies including the Office on Aging. “We were building the plane as we were flying it,” Sandoval said. “But if anyone knows how to get the job done—it’s us—here at DPSS.” Kisha Jenkins, the administrative services manager who leads Internal Services, said the mission of Great Plates perfectly aligned with the mission of DPSS. “Our role is vital in connecting services to people in need, especially when so many families are hurting at this time.”



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