2024 EAFC LE Summit Resource Guide
4 | E.A.F.C. Law Enforcment Summit Resource Guide Adult Protective Services, Riverside County (800) 491-7123 rivcodpss.org/adult-services Serves dependent adults (age 18 and older) and the elderly (age 60 and C.A.R.E. Program of Riverside County (800) 491-7123
District Attorney, California Victim Compensation Board Claims Unit (951) 955-5460 The Division of Victim Services has an in house Joint Power Claims Unit that works to reduce the impact of crime on victims lives by helping them determine eligibility and apply for California Victim Compensation Board benefits. The program reimburses crime related expenses such as costs associated with medical bills, crime scene clean up, funeral/ burial assistance, relocation, lost wages, home security, and home/vehicle modifications. prosecute both financial and physical elder abuse. Riverside County District Attorney’s Office operates multiple offices throughout Riverside County, please visit our website to obtain office specific contact information. The District Attorney’s Office prosecutes offenders accused of committing crimes and maintains a number of specialized units, including the Elder Abuse Unit. The Elder Abuse Unit consists of specially trained and dedicated attorneys who Crisis System of Care (CSSOC) Mobile Crisis Reponse Team (MCRT) (888) 374-1113 www.rcdmh.org/Crisis-Resources/ County-Mental-Health-Triage-Services CREST units work collaboratively with local Police and Sheriff Departments to decrease the need for inpatient hospitalizations as well as decreasing the amount of time that law enforcement personnel are dedicating to consumers in psychiatric crisis. CREST assists those with insurance and without; along with persons of any age who is experiencing a psychiatric crisis. District Attorney Riverside County (951) 955-5400 www.rivcoda.org Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement – EAGLE www.eagle.usc.edu The Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement is an online tool designed to support officers in quickly identifying, intervening, and resolving elder abuse situations. Developed with input and user testing by law enforcement for law enforcement, EAGLE provides: Tools to assist in documenting a case for prosecution.
rivcodpss.org/adult-services Curtailing Abuse Related to the Elderly (C.A.R.E.) addresses elder and dependent adult abuse through education, training and a multidisciplinary approach to abuse cases. C.A.R.E. Program also provides consumer fraud education, advocacy for victims of consumer fraud, and training on how and when to report abuse.
older). The goal of APS is to intervene and assist elder or dependent adults to alleviate physical, sexual and financial abuse, neglect, isolation and abandonment, abduction and mental suffering.
Department of Insurance (800) 927-4357 www.insurance.ca.gov Ensure that insurance products and services are available to consumers timely, and that they deliver fair and equal benefits.
Department of Justice, Division of Medi-Cal Fraud
& Elder Abuse (951) 880-9600 www.oag.ca.gov
DMFEA - Division of Medi-Cal Fraud & Elder Abuse works aggressively to investigate and prosecute cases of Medi-Cal fraud and elder abuse.
District Attorney, Real Estate Fraud Unit (877) 723-7779 www.rivcoda.org The Riverside County District
District Attorney, Special Prosecution (951) 955-5400 www.rivcoda.org/the-office/ special-prosecutions The Special Prosecutions Section consists of specially trained prosecutors and investigators dedicated to ensuring that fraud and corruption is vigorously prosecuted. A few units within Special Prosecution Section are the Elder Abuse and Real Estate Fraud Units. Domestic Violence and Elder Death Review Team The purpose of the Domestic Violence Death and Elder Death Review Team (DVEDRT) is to review the deaths that occur in domestic violence incidents and elder abuse cases to better assess the types and functions of services used in domestic violence and elder abuse intervention and to develop education, prevention and if necessary, prosecution strategies that will lead to improved coordination of services for families and our elder population.
Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit will review for investigation real estate fraud related cases occurring in Riverside County.
District Attorney, Division of Victim Services (951) 955-5400 rivcoda.org/victim-services Victim Advocates work closely with prosecutors and are speciallytrained to help children, elders, disabled persons, and violent crime victims.
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