2024 EAFC LE Summit Resource Guide
5 E.A.F.C. Law Enforcment Summit Resource Guide |
Federal Bureau of Investigations – FBI (951) 686-0335 www.fbi.gov
FBI-Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) www.ic3.gov Trained analysts at the IC3 review and research the complaints, disseminating information to federal, state, local or international law enforcement or regulatory agencies for criminal, civil, or administrative actions, as appropriate. The IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the actual victim or from a third party to the complainant.
National Center on Elder Abuse c/o University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine
and Geriatrics (855) 500-3537
The division offers a range of services to support victims of crime, including children, the elderly, disabled persons, and those affected by violent crime. Their goal is to provide emotional support, guidance through the legal process, and practical assistance to help victims recover and navigate the aftermath of crime. Office on Aging/Help Link, Riverside County (800) 510-2020 www.rcaging.org Riverside County Office on Aging, under the Federal Older Americans Act and Older Californians Act, is charged to provide leadership in developing a system of care and services for older persons and adults with disabilities in Riverside County.
A national resource center funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging.
Ombudsman, Long-Term Care (800) 231-4024 aging.ca.gov
Public Guardian, Riverside County (951) 955-1540
SAFE Family Justice Centers (951) 587-3900 safefjc.org SAFE Family Justice Centers (SAFE FJC) provide advocacy and support services included but not limited to case management, restraining order assistance, individualized safety planning, and needs assessments for individuals who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, child/elder abuse and services for youth who are at risk. SAFE FJC operates multiple offices throughout Riverside County, please visit our website to obtain office specific contact information. appointed guardian or conservator for persons found by the Superior Courts to be unable to properly care for themselves or their finances. www.riverside.courts.ca.gov/ Divisions/Probate/probate.php The Superior Court hears petitions concerning Elder Abuse Restraining Orders, Conservatorship, Powers of Attorney, Trusts, and other matters for the protection of the rights of elders and dependent adults. The Public Guardian provides a vital service to persons unable to properly care for themselves or who are unable to manage their finances. The Public Guardian conducts the official County investigation into conservatorship matters and acts as the legally Superior Court Probate (951) 777-3147
Investigates complaints made by or on behalf of individuals living in licensed facilities. Educates residents on their rights while living in facilities. Monitors licensed facilities to ensure individuals are treated with dignity and respect while living in licensed facilities.
Public Health, Riverside County (951) 358-5000
Riverside University Health System Behavioral Health (800) 706-7500 www.rcdmh.org
ruhealth.org/ruhs-public-health Promotes and protects the health of all County residents and visitors in service of the well-being of the community
Adult Mental Health Clinics provide services to adult individuals suffering from severe and persistent mental health problems.
Sheriff’s Department, Riverside County (800) 950-2444 www.RiversideSheriff.org The law enforcement professionals of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department are dedicated to serving the citizens of its communities with integrity, professionalism, leadership and loyalty. In partnership with the public they serve to protect the public by the suppression and prevention of crime.
SAFTA (Senior Abuse and Financial Tracking and Accounting) Toolkit Download the no-cost SAFTA toolkit at: www.theiacp.org/elder-abuse SAFTA was developed to provide law enforcement with a simplified tool for investigating suspicious financial patterns and prosecuting cases of elder financial exploitation. The toolkit includes the SAFTA tool (an Excel macroenabled worksheet), a training guide, and subpoena template.
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