

Administrative Services Division

Assistant Director’s Message Carl Letamendi

T he Administrative Services team takes great pride in delivering high-quality services that are responsive to the needs of our department and external partners. The 100-year anniversary of DPSS in July 2023 presented an opportunity to reflect on the enduring impacts our services and programs have had on our colleagues and communities. As the engine of business operations and strategic planning for DPSS, the Administrative Services team responded to challenges and opportunities in Fiscal Year 2023/24 with tremendous agility and foresight. We embraced new initiatives in integrated services delivery by strengthening collaboration across county departments and DPSS divisions, equipping our 4800 employees for an environment of continuous quality improvement. We began providing key support to pilot projects that—for the first time ever—linked Self Sufficiency, and In-Home Supportive Services programs to external county agencies through a shared information-technology platform. We are reaching across DPSS divisions and county agencies to enhance services and population health through the statewide CalAIM initiative. Traditional government silos are being replaced by seamless systems of providers who collaborate to keep individuals and families at the center of their services. We established the new Government Affairs Office in Fiscal Year 23/24 to enhance these efforts and communicate the needs of our department’s nearly 1.2 million customers to policymakers in a rapidly changing environment. Whether our 450-member Admin team is installing new computers, delivering furniture, responding to natural disasters, training a professional workforce or leading strategic planning, I am proud of the customer service and ingenuity each member brings to Administrative Services and our department. This is an exciting time to begin our next 100 years of service. Thank you for bringing a spirit of innovation and teamwork to our colleagues and customers inside and outside the department.

Carl Letamendi

I am proud of the outstanding customer service and ingenuity each member brings to Administrative Services and our department.

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