DPSS Executive Progress Report TO COMPRESS
THOUSANDS OF JOURNEYS HOME Zakiyyah Lateef and Abdul Shaheed estimate they’ve fostered more than 2,000 children since opening their home 30 years ago to children in need of short and long-term family support. “The best part is watching the kids come out of their shells after being neglected and abused,” Lateef said. Most of the foster youth choose to call her Miss Mom and her husband Mister Dad. They were among eight foster parents to earn the Caregiver of the Year Award 2020 from DPSS and the Riverside County Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Commission. Children in foster care experience a variety of challenges as a result of the trauma they’ve su ff ered. We are working closely with our resource families and community to jointly address adverse childhood experiences. We will continue to work alongside the Riverside County Child Assessment Team and others to provide children and families with trauma-focused and culturally competent services.
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