DPSS Executive Progress Report TO COMPRESS

MULTIDISCIPLINARY PARTNERSHIP WINS AWARD When Adult Services social worker Gaby Reyes struggled to get a homeless woman o ff the streets, she turned to a team of county agencies for help. The targeted multidisciplinary Homeless-Focused CARE Team launched in 2018 to solve complex issues around homelessness just like the case Reyes was dealing with. The National Association of Counties recognized the team’s success with a 2020 Achievement Award for improving county services. Medical, behavioral health, social services, law enforcement and housing representatives comprise the specialized CARE team. Reyes’ case was one of its first. Since that time, the team has successfully managed more than 100 high-risk homeless cases. Reyes recalls the client was resistant to help and had di ffi culty trusting her or any of the providers at first. “It was great to see her finally get the help she needed,” Reyes said. Collaborative and integrated partnerships involving justice, health, social services and community advocates are key to closing gaps in services. These partnerships will become increasingly important to managing resources and delivering high quality results in complex cases. 16 2020 EXECUTIVE PROGRESS REPORT

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