DPSS Executive Progress Report TO COMPRESS

JUDICIAL PARTNERSHIPS SERVE CRUCIAL ROLE Filing a grievance or appealing a denial of self-su ffi ciency benefits can be daunting. Customers can rely on Appeals Supervisor Terry Pickering to expeditiously resolve their appeals. Chief Juliet Macaulay and administrative law judges with California Department of Social Services praised Pickering’s responsiveness at an October statewide meeting. Among California’s 58 counties, the judges gave Riverside County high marks for conducting timely hearings and responses. A total of 3,385 administrative hearings were held in the first nine months of 2020 with the fewest held in May. The number of hearings has been steadily climbing. “Having a good relationship with the State Hearing Division helps make the appeals process smoother,” says Pickering, who also chairs the Southern California Appeals Committee. In the coming year, we will continue to focus on strengthening our judicial partnerships in protective and administrative hearings through collaboration, communication and transparency.



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